Docker Container Download For Mac

Getting Started Install Docker on macOS Install Docker on macOS. Docker for Mac offers a Mac native application that installs in /Applications.It creates symlinks (symbolic links) in /usr/local/bin for docker and docker-compose to the Mac versions of the commands in the application bundle. On Mac or Windows, you can use a Vagrant virtual machine to run rkt; Configure rkt: Optional steps that make it simpler to experiment with rkt. Download and run a container with rkt. Using rkt on Linux. Rkt is written in Go and can be compiled for several CPU architectures. The rkt project distributes binaries for amd64. Official images for the.NET Framework, ASP.NET, and Windows Communication Framework (WCF) Container. Docker containers run on top of a Linux kernel; meaning Docker on Linux can utilise the native kernel and the underlying virtual file system is shared between the host and container. On Mac, we’re using Docker Desktop. This is a native MacOS application, which is bundled with an embedded hypervisor. HyperKit provides the kernel capabilities.

Here I’ll show you how to get SQL Server up and running on your Mac in less than half an hour. And the best part is, you’ll have SQL Server running locally without needing any virtualization software.

Prior to SQL Server 2017, if you wanted to run SQL Server on your Mac, you first had to create a virtual machine (using VirtualBox, Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion, or Bootcamp), then install Windows onto that VM, then finally SQL Server. This is still a valid option depending on your requirements (here’s how to install SQL Server on a Mac with VirtualBox if you’d like to try that method).

Starting with SQL Server 2017, you can now install SQL Server directly on to a Linux machine. And because macOS is Unix based (and Linux is Unix based), you can run SQL Server for Linux on your Mac. The way to do this is to run SQL Server on Docker.

So let’s go ahead and install Docker. Then we’ll download and install SQL Server.

  1. Install Docker

    Download the (free) Docker Community Edition for Mac (unless you’ve already got it installed on your system). This will enable you to run SQL Server from within a Docker container.

    To download, visit the Docker CE for Mac download page and click Get Docker.

    To install, double-click on the .dmg file and then drag the icon to your Application folder.

    What is Docker?

    Docker is a platform that enables software to run in its own isolated environment. SQL Server (from 2017) can be run on Docker in its own isolated container. Once Docker is installed, you simply download — or “pull” — the SQL Server on Linux Docker Image to your Mac, then run it as a Docker container. This container is an isolated environment that contains everything SQL Server needs to run.

  2. Launch Docker

    Launch Docker the same way you’d launch any other application (eg, via the Applications folder, the Launchpad, etc).

    When you open Docker, you might be prompted for your password so that Docker can install its networking components and links to the Docker apps. Go ahead and provide your password, as Docker needs this to run.

  3. Increase the Memory (optional)

    By default, Docker will have 2GB of memory allocated to it. SQL Server needs at least 2GB. However, it won’t hurt to increase it if you can.

    In my case, I increased it to 4GB.

    To do this, select Preferences from the little Docker icon in the top menu:

    Then finish off by clicking Apply & Restart

  4. Download SQL Server

    Now that Docker is installed, we can download and install SQL Server for Linux.

    Open a Terminal window and run the following command.

    This downloads the latest SQL Server 2019 for Linux Docker image to your computer.

    You can also check for the latest container version on the Docker website if you wish.

  5. Launch the Docker Image

    Run the following command to launch an instance of the Docker image you just downloaded:

    But of course, use your own name and password. Also, if you downloaded a different Docker image, replace with the one you downloaded.

    Here’s an explanation of the parameters:

    -dThis optional parameter launches the Docker container in daemon mode. This means that it runs in the background and doesn’t need its own Terminal window open. You can omit this parameter to have the container run in its own Terminal window.
    --name sql_server_demoAnother optional parameter. This parameter allows you to name the container. This can be handy when stopping and starting your container from the Terminal.
    -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y'The Y shows that you agree with the EULA (End User Licence Agreement). This is required in order to have SQL Server for Linux run on your Mac.
    -e 'SA_PASSWORD=reallyStrongPwd123'Required parameter that sets the sa database password.
    -p 1433:1433This maps the local port 1433 to port 1433 on the container. This is the default TCP port that SQL Server uses to listen for connections. tells Docker which image to use. If you downloaded a different one, use it instead.

    Password Strength

    If you get the following error at this step, try again, but with a stronger password.

    I received this error when using reallyStrongPwd as the password (but of course, it’s not a really strong password!). I was able to overcome this by adding some numbers to the end. However, if it wasn’t just a demo I’d definitely make it stronger than a few dictionary words and numbers.

  6. Check the Docker container (optional)

    You can type the following command to check that the Docker container is running.

    If it’s up and running, it should return something like this:

  7. Install sql-cli (unless already installed)

    Run the following command to install the sql-cli command line tool. This tool allows you to run queries and other commands against your SQL Server instance.

    This assumes you have NodeJs installed. If you don’t, download it from first. Installing NodeJs will automatically install npm which is what we use in this command to install sql-cli.

    Permissions Error?

    If you get an error, and part of it reads something like Please try running this command again as root/Administrator, try again, but this time prepend sudo to your command:

  8. Connect to SQL Server

    Now that sql-cli is installed, we can start working with SQL Server via the Terminal window on our Mac.

    The latest version of Webroot SecureAnywhere is 9.0 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Mac Protection in the Security category. The app is developed by Webroot Inc. Remove webroot secureanywhere mac. To install SecureAnywhere: Click here to reach the Webroot SecureAnywhere installer for your Mac, and click the Download Now button to begin the installation process. Next, in the bottom right corner of your screen, or in your downloads folder, select the wsamac.dmg file. Double-click the the Webroot SecureAnywhere. Webroot won't take up very much of your Macs storage space. In fact, while the average antivirus software takes up 516MB of space, Webroot takes up only 15MB. That means there will be plenty of space left for the music, documents, photos and movies that make you love your Mac. The Webroot installation file, wsainstall.exe will automatically download to your computer (if your download did not begin, click here). Locate the wsainstall.exe file on your desktop and double-click to. Webroot® internet security. Webroot is quick and easy to download, install, and run. Plus, updates are automatic so you always have the most current protection. If your download doesn't start automatically, click 'Download Now'. Follow the steps below to activate your protection.

    Connect to SQL Server using the mssql command, followed by the username and password parameters.

    You should see something like this:

    This means you’ve successfully connected to your instance of SQL Server.

  9. Run a Quick Test

    Run a quick test to check that SQL Server is up and running and you can query it.

    For example, you can run the following command to see which version of SQL Server your running:

    If it’s running, you should see something like this (but of course, this will depend on which version you’re running):

    If you see a message like this, congratulations — SQL Server is now up and running on your Mac!

A SQL Server GUI for your Mac – Azure Data Studio


Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) is a free GUI management tool that you can use to manage SQL Server on your Mac. You can use it to create and manage databases, write queries, backup and restore databases, and more.

Azure Data Studio is available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Here are some articles/tutorials I’ve written for Azure Data Studio:

Another Free SQL Server GUI – DBeaver

Another SQL Server GUI tool that you can use on your Mac (and Windows/Linux/Solaris) is DBeaver.

DBeaver is a free, open source database management tool that can be used on most database management systems (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Microsoft Access, Teradata, Firebird, Derby, and more).

I wrote a little introduction to DBeaver, or you can go straight to the DBeaver download page and try it out with your new SQL Server installation.

Limitations of SQL Server for Linux/Mac

SQL Server for Linux does have some limitations when compared to the Windows editions (although this could change over time). The Linux release doesn’t include many of the extra services that are available in the Windows release, such as Analysis Services, Reporting Services, etc. Here’s a list of what’s available and what’s not on SQL Server 2017 for Linux and here’s Microsoft’s list of Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2019 on Linux.

Another limitation is that SQL Server Management Studio is not available on Mac or Linux. SSMS a full-blown GUI management for SQL Server, and it provides many more features than Azure Data Studio and DBeaver (at least at the time of writing). You can still use SSMS on a Windows machine to connect to SQL Server on a Linux or Mac machine, but you just can’t install it locally on the Linux or Mac machine.

If you need any of the features not supported in SQL Server for Linux, you’ll need SQL Server for Windows. However, you can still run SQL Server for Windows on your Mac by using virtualization software. Here’s how to install SQL Server for Windows on a Mac using VirtualBox.

If you’ve moved your development environment to Docker, you might have noticed your web application stacks might be slower than another native environment you’ve been used to. There are things we can do to return your response times back down to how they were (or thereabouts).

Docker Container Download For Mac


1. Volume optimisations
Modify your volume bind-mount consistency. Consistency cache tuning in Docker follows a user-guided approach. We prefer delegated for most use-cases.

2. Use shared caches
Make sure that common resources are shared between projects — reduce unnecessary downloads, and compilation.

3. Increase system resources
Default RAM limit is 2GB, raise that up to 4GB — it won’t affect system performance. Consider increasing CPU limits.

4. Further considerations
A few final tips and tricks!


Most of our web projects revolve around a common Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) stack. Historically, these components were installed on our machines using Homebrew, a virtual machine, or some other application like MAMP.

At Engage, all our developers use Docker for their local environments. We’ve also moved most of our pre-existing projects to a Dockerised setup too, meaning a developer can begin working on a project without having to install any prerequisites.

When we first started using Docker, it was incredibly slow in comparison to what we were used to; sharp, snappy response times similar to that of our production environments. The development quality of life wasn’t the best.

Why is it slower on Mac?

In Docker, we can bind-mount a volume on the host (your mac), to a Docker container. It gives the container a view of the host’s file system — In literal terms, pointing a particular directory in the container to a directory on your Mac. Any writes in either the host or container are then reflected vice-versa.

On Linux, keeping a consistent guaranteed view between the host and container has very little overhead. In contrast, there is a much bigger overhead on MacOS and other platforms in keeping the file system consistent — which leads to a performance degradation.

Docker containers run on top of a Linux kernel; meaning Docker on Linux can utilise the native kernel and the underlying virtual file system is shared between the host and container.

On Mac, we’re using Docker Desktop. This is a native MacOS application, which is bundled with an embedded hypervisor (HyperKit). HyperKit provides the kernel capabilities of Linux. However, unlike Docker on Linux, any file system changes need to be passed between the host and container via Docker for Mac, which can soon add a lot of additional computational overhead.

1. Volume optimisations

We’ve identified bind-mounts can be slow on Mac (see above).

One of the biggest performance optimisations you can make, is altering theguarantee that file system data is perfectly replicated to the host and container. Docker defaults to a consistent guarantee that the host and containers file system reflect each other.

For the majority of our use cases at Engage we don’t actually need a consistent reflection — perfect consistency between container and host is often unnecessary. We can allow for some slight delays, and temporary discrepancies in exchange for greatly increased performance.

The options Docker provides are:


The host and container are perfectly consistent. Every time a write happens, the data is flushed to all participants of the mount’s view.


The host is authoritative in this case. There may be delays before writes on a host are available to the container.


The container is authoritative. There may be delays until updates within the container appear on the host.

The file system delays between the host and the container aren’t perceived by humans. However, certain workloads could require increased consistency. I personally default to delegated, as generally our bind-mounted volumes contain source code. Data is only changing when I hit save, and it’s already been replicated via delegated by the time I’ve got a chance to react.

Some other processes, such as our shared composer and yarn cache could benefit from Docker’s cached option — programs are persisting data, so in this case it might be more important that writes are perfectly replicated to the host.

See an example of a docker-compose.yml configuration below:

Docker doesn’t do this by default. It has a good reason, which states that a system that was not consistent by default would behave in ways that were unpredictable and surprising. Full, perfect consistency is sometimes essential.

Further reading:

2. Using shared caches

Most of our projects are using Composer for PHP, and Yarn for frontend builds. Every time we start a Docker container, it’s a fresh instance of itself. HTTP requests and downloading payloads over the web adds a lot of latency, and it brings the initial builds of projects to a snail’s pace — Composer and Yarn would have to re-download all it’s packages each time.

Another great optimisation is to bind-mount a ‘docker cache’ volume into the container, and use this across similar projects. Docker would then pull Composer packages from an internal cache instead of the web.

Docker Container Download For Mac Download

See an example of bind-mounting a docker cache into the container, we do this in the docker compose configuration:

3. Increasing system resources

If you’re using a Mac, chances are, you have a decent amount of RAM available to you. Docker uses 2GB of RAM by default. Quite a simple performance tweak would be to increase the RAM limit available to Docker. It won’t hurt anything to give Docker Desktop an extra 2GB of RAM, which will greatly improve those memory intensive operations.

Download Docker Windows

You can also tweak the amount of CPUs available; particularly during times of increased i/o load, i.e running yarn install. Docker will be synchronising a lot of file system events, and actions between host and container. This is particularly CPU intensive. By default, Docker Desktop for Mac is set to use half the number of processors available on the host machine. Increasing this limit could be considered to alleviate I/O load.

4. Further considerations

This post isn’t exhaustive, as I’m sure there are other optimisations that can be made based on the context of each kind of setup. Quickbooks 2016 mac manual user. In our use cases though, we’ve found these tweaks can greatly improve performance.

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Some final things to consider are:

Docker Desktop For Mac

  • Ensure the Docker app is running the latest version of Docker for Mac.
  • Ensure your primary drive, Macintosh HD, is formatted as APFS. this is Apple’s latest proprietary HDD format and comes with a few performance optimisations versus historical formats.

Final notes

Docker are always working on improving the performance of Docker for Mac, so it’s a good idea to keep your Docker app up to date in order to benefit from these performance optimisations. Most of the performance of file system I/O can be improved within Hypervisor/VM layers. Reducing the I/O latency requires shortening the data path from a Linux system call to MacOS and back again. Each component in the data path requires tuning, and in some cases, requires a significant amount of development effort from the Docker team.

Docker Desktop Mac Download

Matthew primarily focuses on web application development, with a focus on high traffic environments. In addition, he is also responsible for a lot of our infrastructure that powers all of our various apps and systems.

Install Docker For Mac

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